- By visiting my Justgiving page www.justgiving.com/Zaffron-Hill you can donate via car or paypal
- Alternatively you can donate via text by texting ZAFF91 followed by the amount you wish to give to 70070 (e.g. ZAFF91 £10).
- If you text donate, are a UK taxpayer and have a smartphone after you have sent the text you will get a text back with the opportunity to add GiftAid. This adds 25% extra to your donation at no extra cost to yourself. Furthermore it gives you the opportunity to leave a message and tell me who you are so I can say a big thank you to you!
Am I paying for your placement?
- No. My travel expenses and stay have already been sponsored by the government.
If it's paid for why do you need a donation?
- Fundraising is part of showing my dedication and commitment to the VSO programme. VSO want volunteers who are serious about fighting the causes and effects of poverty and therefore fundraising is a great way to show this.
- By fundraising I can raise awareness about my project and start to engage people in a meaningful dialogue about disability rights.
- The VSO is a charitable organisation and relies on your generous donation to carry on helping improve the lives of people all over the world.
Where is my donation going?
- The money you donate will be going to the charity VSO who will use this money to provide resources, training and skilled volunteers to it's partner charities in developing countries.
What do the VSO do?
- It is the aim of the VSO to fight the causes and effects of poverty in an effective, ethical and sustainable way. They do this by sending out skilled volunteers to work with partner charities in developing countries, as well as giving resources and financial aid. Volunteers work closely with the partner charity and community on specific projects. For example I will be working on the project 'Disability- Deaf Inclusion and Awareness.
What volunteer work am I doing?
I am working on a project called 'Disability- Deaf Inclusion and Awareness' where I will be:
- Increasing the awareness of Deaf youth on their human rights and civic duties by conducting learning activities with Deaf youth and awareness campaigns to reach out to the wider community
- Increasing access of Deaf youth to further education and skills training by developing training modules and conducting life skills and development leadership training.
- Increasing capacity of the GVSP in managing its Deaf programme through resource mobilisation and public engagement
Isn't this just a three month holiday for you?
- Definitely not. I have a strict scheduled itinary for my time over there and will be working tirelessly with my team members on our project 'Disability- Deaf Inclusion and Awareness'
- Furthermore the programme runs a strictly dry programme with a zero tolerance on alcohol and imposes an 8pm curfew for volunteer safety. Also in preparation for my placement I am quitting smoking; as female smoking is a cultural tabboo. It is therefore not going to be all fun and games for me.
Why are you volunteering abroad and not in the UK?
- I have and will continue to be involved in volunteering and charity work in the UK. In fact part of my VSO programme when I return from the Philippines involves volunteering within my local community; using the skills I have learnt on placement as well as raising awareness about disability rights.
- My choice to volunteer abroad next year is not a dismissal of the issues Britain deals with today. Rather it stems from my own personal attachment to the Philippines, being half Filipina myself. Having seen firsthand the poverty and challenges people face on family visits, it has always been my wish to return in a capacity where I could help in any way possible.
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