The Gualandi Volunteer Service Programme

Gualandi Volunteer Service Programme

During my time in Cebu I will be working with the Gualandi Volunteer Service Programme in partnership with the VSO. As you know I’m seeking to raise money for the VSO so they can carry on working in partnership with the GVSP so here is some background information.

GVSP  Vision: 
 A Deaf Inclusive Filipino Society.

GVSP Mission: 
 To harness the potential of volunteers in advocacy and education and to contribute in building sustainable resources.

GVSP Core Values: 
 To empower volunteers with the necessary knowledge, skills and values to become competent, creative and pro-active person who are open to change and having a deep sense of JUSTICE, FAITH and SOLIDARITY.

How Is It Run?
 The GVSP relies on a mixture of hearing and hard of hearing volunteers from both the Philippines and internationally. Using the skills, time and dedication of volunteers the GVSP can create: campaign programmes, provide courses in sign language, help increase accessibility for Deaf persons, provide information about human rights to Deaf persons and increase access to education.

How Will I Be Helping?
 Increasing the awareness of Deaf youth on their human rights and civic duties by conducting learning activities with Deaf youth and awareness raising campaigns to reach out to the wider community

Increasing access of Deaf youth to further education and skills training by developing training modules and conducting life skills development and leadership training

Increasing capacity of GVSP in managing its Deaf programme through resource mobilisation and public engagement

Present GVSP Campaigns:

‘Break the silence’
 Is a campaign against Deaf Child Sexual Abuse. The project has several functions. One of them is raising awareness about the abuse of Deaf persons.
Did you know:

In the Philippines 70% of deaf women and children experience some form of physical and sexual abuse.

Children with disabilities are four times more likely to experience violence than non-disabled children and are 2.9 times more likely to be victims of sexual violence.

Break the Silence also works in conjunction with the Police in Cebu providing staff with sign language courses and training so Deaf persons are able to help file a crime. Without providing this basic training, many sexual abuse crimes go un-reported and it leads to a culture of silence. The GSVP also works as an outreach to Deaf persons and their family members who have been affected by sexual abuse.

‘Fully Abled Nation’

The campaigns goal was to create an enabling environments for people with disabilities participation in the 2013 midterm elections; increasing voter participation and active citizenship. This participation is crucial in helping people with disabilities have a say in national political policies and therefore contribute to their own autonomy. 

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